Beauty & Style Tips

Top 10 Home Remedies For Eyebrows Re-Growth

Top 10 Home Remedies For Eyebrows Re-Growth 1

Face is one of the most prominent body part and on face the eyebrows is considered to be as a most important feature that provides a defined and accentuated look. Eyebrows give a unique look and make the appearance beautiful. Eyebrows add a glam to a personality of any woman if the shape is right and full of growth. Eyebrows should have to trim according to the shape of face. Thin and thick both type of eyebrows are common but thy can be choose according to face type. Most of us have thin eyebrows and want to get a thick eyebrows. For those women there are so many home remedies through which you can easily increase the growth of eyebrows. Here are top 10 home remedies for eyebrows re-growth below.

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Top 10 Home Remedies For Eyebrows Re-Growth

Top 10 Home Remedies For Eyebrows Re-Growth 1

Here in this post some effective home remedies for eyebrows re-growth naturally. Let’s read out the article below.

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1. Milk:

Take some milk and dip cotton ball in it. Rub this cotton ball on eyebrows at night and wash in the morning. If you use this home remedy daily then you will see the growth of eyebrows.

2. Fenugreek Seeds:

Fenugreek seeds is also known as methi. Soak some fenugreek seeds into a water and leave it for whole night. In the morning, make a paste of these seeds and apply it over the eyebrows. You can also add some almond oil into the mixture.

3. Lemon:

Take 1/4 cup of coconut oil and add sliced peels of lemon into it. Keep the mixture into a dark place for over night. Next day, take a mixture and apply it over the eyebrows with the help of cotton balls.

4. Onion Juice:

Simply, extract a juice of onion and dip a cotton ball in this juice and apply it over the eyebrows for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse off with fresh water.

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5. Aloe Vera Pulp:

Simply, take a pulp of Aloe Vera leave and apply it over the eyebrows and leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse off with water.

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6. Shoe Flower:

Shoe Flower is also known as hibiscus and china rose. Simply, make a paste of shoe flower and apply over the eyebrows. Let it seep for sometimes and then rinse off.

7. Coconut Milk:

Take a cotton ball and dip in the coconut milk. Rub the cotton ball over the eyebrows and leave it for whole night. in the morning wash of with fresh water.

8. Egg Yolk:

Take an egg and extract its yolk out. Beat the egg yolk and apply it over the eyebrows for whole night.

9. Oil Massage:

You can also massage the eyebrows area with coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil and castor oil for re-growth of eyebrows.

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10. Vaseline:

If you apply Vaseline over the eyebrows two to three times a day, then you will enhance the growth of eyebrows.

These all 10 home remedies for eyebrows re-growth are very effective and helpful. So, girls, use these home remedies now and get a thick eyebrows now!!

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