Acne, Skin Care

How To Hide Acne With Foundation

Acne especially on your face looks really ugly and above all very depressing. In order to hide the acne under make up you need to follow the following make up tips which will hide the acne and give you a natural looking beautiful skin. In this tip i will tell you How To Hide Acne With Foundation in easy steps. This tip is easy to apply at home and takes 5-10 minutes. So lets read below these steps.

How To Hide Acne With Foundation

How To Hide Acne With Foundation

First of all, before applying makeup especially on acne problem area, be careful in moisturizing it well. Be very careful since moisturizing your face along with Problem areas together can spread it. So its better to use spot to spot technique of moisturizing. Its like applying little amount of moisturizer to your acne separately and let it absorb it. Now acne is ready to be covered with foundation base.

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Remember that avoid darker shades of foundation while your face is having acne. Pick up good quality foundation base of lighter color as that of your skin complexion. Apply it to your face and to the acne with less pressure since if you apply foundation with pad and with greater pressure then the acne may got torn and it can make the matter more serious. Be sure that you have hid the acne under firm layer of foundation.

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