Eye MakeUp Tips

How To Do Eyelashes Grow Back

Do Eyelashes Grow Back

Having long eyelashes is a dream of every other women because it enhance the beauty of eyes and make them more attractive. The longer and curlier the more attractive they are. Most women don’t have an eyelashes care routine that can cause a eyelashes damage and they start falling out. There are many ways to recover your beautiful eyelashes damage quickly. There are lots of tips to do eyelashes grow back. There are lots of serums and medications which can enhance your eyelash growth faster but they will always leave a side effect there. The best and easy way is always what naturally gifted to us. There are lots of tips and home remedies which can grow your eyelash easily but to apply these tips you would need to be honest with you and be consistent with the steps of tips, In this article i am going to write 5 Simple Home Remedies For How To Do Eyelashes Grow Back which actually proven and works, what all you need is to apply them with a consistency.

Do Eyelashes Grow Back

How To Do Eyelashes Grow Back

1, Use Vitamins (E,C,H)

Do Eyelashes Grow Back

Vitamin C and E are two most important vitamins when it comes to hair growth and development. Vitamin C helps to keep your hair hydration balance and prevent from breakage and dryness. Vitamin E increases scalp circulation that is needed for a healthy scalp.
vitamin E & C also known as antioxidant, prevent hair from free radicals that a major factor of destruction these days.

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Vitamin H that is commonly known as biotin,  is part of the B complex group of vitamins. Vitamin H help to increase growth rate and straighten hair.

Where Are These Vitamins?

  • Vitamin C is  found in citrus fruits like grapefruit and oranges, kiwi and tomatoes.
  • Vitamin E is found in nuts avocados and leafy green vegetables.
  • Vitamin H is found in cauliflower, cucumber, milk and eggs.

2, Use Oils (Olive, Castor, Almond)

Do Eyelashes Grow Back

Oil treatment is a best to make your eyelashes longer and thicker. Its also help to grow new hairs. Use a cotton ball or cotton bud to dab a small amount of the oil onto your eyelashes every night after removing makeup.

  1. Apply Olive Oil alone, dip a cotton bud and dip you finger in the olive oil and put oil on your lashes, it will grow your eyelash.
  2. Apply Castor oil and Almond oil as a mixture, mix both oil together and then apply it same as Olive Oil.

3, Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly)

Do Eyelashes Grow BackIts an alternative treatment that is works in the same way as oil treatment. Apply a bit of it on the base of your eyelashes with your finger tip gently, each night before going to bed. You can wash it off after 15 minutes if you prefer. You will see new hair growth with in 6-8 weeks.

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4, Protein Rich Diet

Do Eyelashes Grow BackEating a healthy diet rich in protein and vitamins helps eyelash hair grow. Add fish, eggs, beans and yogurt in your daily meal.

5, Green Tea

Do Eyelashes Grow Back

Green Tea is very healthy for your Eye Lash also, Take few leaves of Green Tea and Dip them in a warm water and put the leaves on your eye lash, you will get the result in 2-3 weeks when your eye lash will get longer and strong dramatically.

So this is how to do your eyelashes grow back at home with natural assets of mother nature, you can try these 5 simple remedies at home yourself to grow your eyelashes back. The most important thing is that the honest in you, if you really want to grow your eyelashes then you need to be honest with yourself and be consistent, because if you can not be consistent then you wont see any result.

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