Beauty & Style Tips, Face Care Tips

14 Best Yoga Exercises For Slimming Your Face

14 Best Yoga Exercises For Slimming Your Face 1

Do you have slim face texture? If not then you definitely want to get slim face to look beautiful and stunning. There are so many celebrities who have slim faces and they look more prettier than others. There are so many makeup techniques called contouring through which you can get a slimming face look temporary but you can also now flaunt well-defined cheekbones permanently because here in this post you will find 14 best yoga exercises for slimming your face. These simple yet effective facial yoga exercises for a lean, sculpted and younger looking face. Yes, you can easily tone your face with yoga exercises just like body tones and relaxing. First of all check out the brief illustration of face yoga exercise below:

14 Best Yoga Exercises For Slimming Your Face 1

As we all know that our face is one of the most important aspect to give an impressive look in a crowd. Our face muscles also need some extra care and workout like body muscles. As the muscles of face start loosening as the passing of age but we can easily maintain our beauty and fine lines at any age with these 14 best yoga exercises for slimming your face below.

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14 Best Yoga Exercises For Slimming Your Face

Here are some of the simplest and easiest yoga exercises for slimming face. These exercises will reduce wrinkles and give you a younger look in any age.

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Face Exercise # 1:

14 Best Yoga Exercises For Slimming Your Face 7

This is a simple and easy yoga exercise for face. This is a exercise for orbicular oars muscles (muscles around the mouth as well as muscles on other side like cheekbones and modulus muscles.

  • Simply, close your mouth pressing your lips together and blow air under your upper lips. Hold at this position for a minutes.
  • Now transfer the blow air to left cheek and then hold for 10 counts.
  • Same repeat the procedure with right cheek and hold your face in this position for 10 counts.
  • Repeat his transferring blow air from one cheek to other for 10 to 15 minutes.

(Read Also: Simple Exercises To Reduce Belly)

Face Exercise # 2:

14 Best Yoga Exercises For Slimming Your Face 2

This is an another easy yoga exercise that help to reduce chubbiness and one your facial muscles.

  • Simply, inhale air deeply in your mouth.
  • Transfer the blow air from one side to other in the cheek.
  • This is a procedure like that you are swishing mouth wash inside your mouth.

Face Exercise # 3:

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  • Simply, vent your lips in O shape and then blow air out of the mouth.

Face Exercise # 4:

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This is a called a smiling fish face.

  • Suck your cheeks and lips to make a fish face and then try to smiling.
  • Hold on in this position for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise for another 5 times.

Face Exercise # 5:

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This is also an another most effective yoga exercise for slimming your face that firm the jaw lines.

  • Simply, hold you face in the position that your face upwards and looking toward ceiling fans.
  • Now blow air out of mouth in speedily.
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Face Exercise # 6:

This exercise helps to tone the chin muscles and also help you to get rid of double chin.

  • Simply, move your lower lip over the upper lip as as possible and try the lower lip close to the nose.
  • Hold it in this post for 15 seconds and then repeat the exercises.

Face Exercise # 7:

This is an another face yoga exercise that helps to get rid of double chin.

  • Simply, open your mouth as much as possible and hold it in its position for some while.
  • You can feel the stretch on all over your face as well as gradually the muscles will tone.

Face Exercise # 8:

14 Best Yoga Exercises For Slimming Your Face 4

This is an another well known and common face exercise, that is perfect for sunken cheeks.

  • Simply, suck in your cheek and take the muscles on either side of your mouth sink in.
  • Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds and repeat for other 10 times.

Face Exercise # 9:

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This is a face yoga exercise that help to reduce fat from face.

  • Simply try pulling the mouth with air as much as possible.
  • Your cheeks automatically sink in when you pull air and then release the air from mouth gently and slowly.

Face Exercise # 10:

Your cheeks can sink in and also your jaws will go for tightening through this exercise.

  • Place your idle index and finger over the cheekbones.
  • Pull your skin over the cheekbones to the eyes.
  • Open your mouth in a way to form a long and oval shape.
  • Now hold for 10 seconds and then release your cheekbone skin.
  • Keep relaxing and try again for getting better result.
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Face Exercise# 11:

  • Simply sit relaxed and breath in smoothly and slowly.
  • Now inhale deeply ad close the palms tightly to form a fist.
  • Now close your eyes tightly, you can feel face muscles get scrunched.

Face Exercise # 12:

  • Inhale deeply and then exhale all the air through the mouth.
  • Stick your tongue out as much as you can and open eyes widely and open the palms.
  • Repeat the exercise 3 to 4 times.

Face Exercise # 13:

  • Le’s open the eyes widely and lift up the eye brows.
  • Hold in its position for 10 seconds and don’t let your brows wrinkle.
  • Focus at a point before you while doing exercise and repeat five times more to get a fine lines and jaws.

(Also Read: Home Remedies For Re-growth Eye Brows)

Face Exercise # 14:

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  • Simply, place your index finger on both side of your eyes and thumb on both sides.
  • Now pull out your skin upward with fingers so as you feel stretch on the face muscles.
  • Repeat again for 5 times.

These all 14 easy yoga exercises for slimming your face are effective and helpful. So, which one do you know already? Feel free and apply these easy yoga exercises for slimming your face.

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