Beauty & Style Tips, Concealer

How To Make Concealer At Home: Useful Tips

Concealer is a very important part of makeup, it can hide pimples, discoloration, scars, black heads and dark circles very well.Applying concealer is a very easy step but choose the best concealer is a very difficult for every one because every branded concealers are not working well or suitable for skin.It is very useful and important part of applying makeup.
Here are a some tips to how to make own concealer at home..Let’s see..

Ingredients:Concealer Making At Home.

1. A Cream Base.
2. Un blended Mica (in different shades).

Note: Un blended Mica is a very important product for making home concealer because it gives a color to concealer.Always choose Mica which is more closest to your skin tone like this:
Beige & Tan skin tone: Use gold Mica with oriental beige Mica.
Fair skin tone: Adjust oriental beige Mica.
Darker skin tone: Bronze, Sienna

Procedure Or Method:

Grind un blended Mica into a blender or grinder.If it is not available then other tip is to take a spoon and crush Mica with a back of spoon and alternately, placing Mica in a zip-lock bag and sealing tightly and then make it even with your fingers..
Remember, blend or grind till then removes lumps in it..
Take a plastic mixing bowl and place 2 tablespoons of cream base in it and add 1 tablespoon of Mica powder and stir well and blend this mixture until 5 to 10 minutes.It will allow pigment of the mixture to get evenly combined.Now your own concealer is ready to use.

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How To Apply:

When you apply makeup always cleanse your skin with cleanser or exfoliating and mask if necessary and then apply first concealer with your brush in a thin layer on scars, blemish, acne or dark circles.

How To Store:

Take a clean and dry jar and pour the mixture of concealer in to it with spatula.

Hope you will now able to make your own concealer at home..Try this, it is very useful, easy and most of all hygienic and it has no side effects..

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