Do you have slim and smart waistline? If yes, then you are a lucky one. But if you got flab around the belly then you are going to enter in an embarrassing life. Belly Fat is now a days one of the most common yet dangerous problem which is found among men and women both.
Especially, in women, there are so many reasons behind belly fat. But if you got fat belly then you should have to take some notice and attention towards your figure. You should have to loss your weight and also reduce belly fat with effective tricks and tips.
Side Effects Of Belly Fat:
According to famous doctors Belly Fats is a very common reason behind every big health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, heart attacks, breathing problems and back pain. These diseases are curable but why not stop to let it happen? Having a flat belly and reduce fats in your body is not a major issue, it just need a consistency in you and secondly you would have to be honest with your health, if you do not have these two abilities then you will never stay with any exercise, because you do not want to give time for your health and this is because you are not honest with yourself either. If you have these two abilities then you can try these 7 simple exercise to lose your belly. These exercise wont take your long time what you just have to do is be consistent with these exercise. You will see results yourself.
Reasons Of Belly Fat?
There are so many reasons behind belly fat, but here are some of them are below which are most common.
- Genetic
- Weak Metabolism
- Saggy Abdominal Area
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- Too Much Eating
How To Treat It?
Diet plan and exercise are two best ways to reduce belly fat. Diet plan and exercise both are go hand in hand. If you go for diet plan only then you can’t reduce belly fat. For reducing belly fat, do these 7 simple exercises and workout with maintained diet plan. Here in this post you will find how to lose your belly fat with these 7 exercise which actually works if you are honest with your health and you have consistency, lets read below:
How To Lose Belly Fat Fast – 7 Simple Exercise
1. Crunches:
- Lie down on the mat and lift your legs off the floor about 90 degrees angle.
- Lift your hands and placed them behind head. You can also keep them crossed n your chest.
- Now inhale deeply and exhale when your upper torso will lift off the floor.
- Do not sit straight when you lift your torso off the floor. You must be at a 30 degrees angle off the floor.
- Repeat this step for 10 to 15 times
2. Twist Crunches:
Lie down on the mat with a position of your hands behind your head.
- Bend your knees and keep your feet on the ground.
- Lift your right shoulder to the left and keep the left torso on the floor.
- Now lift your left shoulder towards rights and your rights torso on the floor.
- repeat the steps for about 10 times.
3. Side Crunches:
Lie on the ground and lift your hands behind the head.
- Now tilt your legs to the same side along your shoulders.
- Now inhale deeply and exhale when your upper torso will lift off the floor.
- Repeat the step for 10 to 15 times.
4. Reverse Crunches:
Lie down on the mat with a position of your hands behind your head.
- Bend your knees and keep your feet on the ground.
- Tilt your legs behind with your shoulders.
- Repeat the step for 10 times
5. Vertical Leg Crunches:
Lie straight on the ground and cross the hands around your head.
- Lift your legs upwards towards the ceiling fan and keep one knee crossed to other.
- Breath in deeply and lift your body up from the floor from pelvis and then breath out slowly.
- Repeat the step again and again at least 16 times.
6. Bicycle Crunches:
Lie on the ground or mat and keep your hands behind your head.
- Lift your legs off the ground and bend the both legs at the knees.
- Keep the left leg out and bring right knee close to the chest.
- Now repeat the step alternatively such as, keep the right leg out and left knee close to the chest.
- Keep your legs bending with knees like as you are paddling a bicycle.
7. Lunge Twist:
Stand up straight and keep your legs hip width apart and keep your knees bent.
- Lift your both hands aligning with shoulders and parallel to the floor.
- Take a big step forward with your right leg and sit down like on chair.
- Left leg should be keep backward supported by toes and keep your spines straight.
- Now twist your torso to the right and then left.
- Repeat the step for 16 times.
These all exercises are simple but effective. You can now reduce your belly fat by doing these easy exercises at home. Girls!! if you are also doing other exercise to reduce belly fat or weight then must be share with us in a comment box 🙂