Health Care

4 Simple Tips To Loose Weight In Ramadan

4 Simple Steps To Loose Weight In Ramadan 1

So, Ramadan is here and women who are conscious about their weight are seem to worried. Women want to loose their weight in Ramadan but this a difficult task during this month. As due the oily foods, soft drinks and eating over foods at the time of breaking fast, everyone is gaining weight. Losing weight in Ramadan is seem to be a difficult task but really now it is not tough because i am here sharing with you 4 simple steps to loose weight in Ramadan. Let’s read out the article below:

4 Simple Steps To Loose Weight In Ramadan

4 Simple Steps To Loose Weight In Ramadan 1

The 4 simple steps to loose weight in Ramadan below. These steps will definitely help you in losing weight in the month of Holy Ramadan.

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1. Keep Journal Food:

It s very important to notice your daily diet. What you eat in Ramadan? Is this healthy food or fatty food? You can make a chart of your food and then see how much calories you intake daily. If you eat fatty foods then replaced them with healthy foods. You should also have to avoid carving sugar drinks and only have 1200 to 2000 calories per day if you want to loose weight in Ramadan.

2. Eat Healthy Iftari:

We all eat full of oily foods at the time of breaking fast. In iftrai keep away samosa, burgers, pakoras, snacks and other foods that are full of fat. You should also have to avoid sugar containing drinks at the time of breaking fast. It is a best option to eat healthy foods contains fiber and protein in iftrai. Simply, eat fruit salad which is full of with fiber and keep you healthy and away from over eating.

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3. Drink A Lot Of Water:

If you want lose weight in Ramadan then you should have to drink a lot of water in sehri time. Try to drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounce at night before sehri. So, through this way you can hydrate your body and it will help you to lose weight in Ramadan.

4. Exercise:

In Ramadan, after iftari you should have to do some exercise to burn your calories that you ate. You can take exercise, aerobics, walking and also join gym to reduce weight in Ramadan.

These 4 steps are the key of losing weight in Ramadan. So, eat healthy and do exercise in Ramadan and keep your body away from gaining weight.

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