Skin Care

How To Make Lip Scrub At Home

How To Make Lip Scrub At Home 001

How To Make Lip Scrub At Home, Lips are very important part of our face.Lips are a part of our body for which everyone is conscious.We do all the sorts for having natural and beautiful lips.In this post we are going to share with you how to make lip scrub at home.As we know that the season of winter has arrived and during this winter, our lips are always effected  by the cold wind.The main problems of lips during this seaosn is lips peel, dryness, chafe and split problems.Here is a home made recipe to make lip scrub at home for this winter season.

INGREDIENTS:How To Make Lip Scrub At Home 001

4 Aspirin
2 tsp of Brown Sugar
2 tsp of Honey
1 tsp of Olive Oil
1 Vitamin E capsule


First, you need a clean container and add 4 inexpensive type without coating Aspirin and few drops of water to beark them down.Pour all the other ingredients into it.You can add more Aspirin and brown sugar according to your need.If you have more dry lips you need to add extra virgin olive oil and if the scrub is wet then add more brown sugar.Your lip scrub is ready to use.You can apply it on your lips with your finger or tooth brush.

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