Mascara, Maybelline

Maybelline Mascara Review – Lash Sensational Luscious Washable

Maybelline Mascara Review - Lash Sensational Luscious Cover

Maybelline New York, one of the best makeup brand ever in the fashion world, They are ruling most of the women’s heart because of their amazing products. Maybelline is famous for it’s Foundations and Mascara, and these products of maybelline are the famous products in fashion industry.

Maybelline Mascara Review - Lash Sensational Luscious CoverIn February Maybelline has revealed it’s newest Lash Sensational Luscious Washable mascara, which is most searched mascara these days, i have found that people are looking for the review of this mascara but most of the product review website posted random reviews but no one has the public posted reviews in their websites. In this post i am going to share you what other people are saying about this mascara, those people who have tried this mascara and get the results of reality. So lets have a look below for the details review if this Lash Sensational Luscious Mascara.

Maybelline Mascara Review – Lash Sensational Luscious Washable

First, we will tell you what actually this mascara do and how many colors and shades are there which you can easily order online, because finding the shade is most common hassle in buying any mascara or foundation, and then we will share what Maybelline claims about this mascara and then we will share what people saying about this Mascara.

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Maybelline Mascara Review - Lash Sensational Luscious 001Color:

This mascara is came in only in it’s traditional color which is black but they called it Blackest Black.

What Maybelline Says:

You can reveal layers soft, denser lashes with this unique mascara formula which is blended with precious oils which can be easily removes with soap or water.

What Buyers Says:

Costumer #1:

The package of this product is amazing but the formula is not much good as it should be and it does not separate lashes like Maybelline claims it does. eyelashes gets too clumpy and feels like you have put 10 layers of mascara on your eyes. (Neutral Review)

Costumer #2:

The best mascara i have used so far, it is smooth and not clumpy and makes my lashes look fuller. You wont be disappointed. This mascara will give new life to your lashes. (Good Review)

Costumer #3:

I have purchased it yesterday and the applicator wand bristles are very short that do not separate lashes at all, the product is so clumpy and after applying i looked like i only had five thick messy eyelashes, it was awful. (Bad Review)

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Maybelline Mascara Review - Lash Sensational LusciousPros:

  • Amazing Package
  • Rich Color
  • Smooth
  • Price


  • Clumpy
  • Applicator is hard to use
  • Availability

How To Apply This Mascara For Best Results:

Maybelline Mascara Review - Lash Sensational LusciousMaybelline Mascara are amazing with its sleek formula, but how you apply it does matter more, to get the best result of this mascara you can watch this video tutorial which will be helpful to apply this Lash Sensational Luscious Mascara in 5 minutes.


So this was the Maybelline Mascara Review of Lash Sensational Luscious Washable, the review is totally based on public and buyers, This mascara has good results if you would apply it correctly, take a time before applying it and let us know the result in the comment box below.

You can buy this Mascara online at price: $8.99

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