Beauty & Style Tips, Skin Care

Beauty Recipes With Citrus Fruits For Winter

Beauty Recipes With Citrus Fruits For Winter 001

Beauty Recipes With Citrus Fruits For Winter, In this post we are going to tell you about the citrus fruits.As we know that Lemon is a member of citrus family and it is use for so many purposes.Lemon always relax our mood as well as health.Lemon is also use for give our beauty natural and freshness.As the lemon is very useful for our beauty where all the members of citrus family also making an important role to give us a fresh and healthy skin.
As we know that the season of winter has arrived and most of us suffers from cracking, dryness and many more problems.For this purpose, we all do all the sorts which always gives us a healthy and smooth skin.Here we have shared below the use of citrus family members for the season of winter.First of all, it is important to know about the members of citrus family.This family included mandarins, grapefruit and limes.These all are use for reducing acne spots and also prevent from stretch marks, acne problems and fight fungus.These citrus fruits uses for skin freshness as well as health.Just check out some beauty receipes of citrus fruits here below:

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LIME ACNE TREATMENTBeauty Recipes With Citrus Fruits For Winter 001

1 cup of Milk
1 lime Juice
1 tsp Glycerin

Firstly, boil the milk in pan and then add the lime juice and glycerin in it.Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool for 30 minutes.Rinse off your face and then apply the mixture for whole night.


2 tsp Almond Meal
1 tsp Honey
1/2 tsp Mandarin juice

Just apply these ingredients in a bowl and mix them nicely.Apply it on face for and gently scrub for one or two minutes then rinse off with warm water.


1 tbs Carrot juice
2 tbs Grapefruit juice
2 tbs Plain organic yogurt

Firstly, mix all the ingredietns in a bowl and then apply thick layer of paste on skin and leave it on 15 minutes.Afterward, rinse off with warm water.

Through these reciepes of citrus fruits, you can give your skin feel fresh and glowing.

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