Health Care

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

Living life is no matter, but living life with happy and healthy is something like a precious gift of nature. We humans works a lot for money and a happy life, most of them successes to get it but in the end they still miss the happy and healthy life, because i have seen in today’s era one have money and one have health, who have money don’t have health or happiness, who have health don’t have money, or if one have money and health he don’t have happiness and vise versa.

14 Amazing Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

In this article i am here with 14 simple rules for living happy and healthy life, these rules are easiest to try and apply, I have done a long search on internet and found these rules these rules belongs to super success people who lived their life happily with an amazing healthy life with peaceful wealth. So have a look on these rules.

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

1, Jogging everyday is good because it improves your cardio vascular tissue which leads to long and healthy life. However, when jogging and you
feel tired, walk.

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14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life2, Always looking forward to a brighter day, Sitting silence to cultivate peace & tranquility

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

3, Don’t let anyone’s negativity ruin your day, stop letting people get to you and focus on what matters. your happiness belongs to you.

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

4, Live with 3Es, Eyes to see clearly, Eat well and Exercise whenever suits you to get fit.

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

5, Make a schedule to practice meditation, yoga and prayer

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

6, Eat those foods that grow on trees and plant, and avoid eating junk or fast food as your daily food.

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

7, Sleep at least 8 hours a night, have your dinner 2 hours before going to bed.

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

8, I have read drink 2 liters daily in a day 3 liters in a day blah blah on several websites, but If u r in cold region, water consumption is naturally low. For hot and tropical areas, u need more than 2 liters in daily basis to keep u hydrated, so the key theme is keep yourself hydrated.

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

9, Play more outdoors and physical games but not computer or online games.

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14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

10, Read books beside what is your profession, such as read romantic novels, motivational quotes, religious books.

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

11, Spend time with Children of 6 years and below which is the age of innocence, from them you will learn the meaning of joy, trust and simple life and spend time with people of 70 years and above which is the age of wisdom, from them you will learn the value of life and what life is all about.

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life12, Laugh and smile with full of heart, once you laugh it carries away stress and when you smile it makes you look years younger.

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

13, Just be yourself and make other smile.

14 Simple Rules For Happy And Healthy Life

14, Practice being kind every moment of every day; with every person you meet, every time you speak, and every time you think. Of course it’s going to be hard, but that’s what it takes to let go of hate. Try with every fiber of your being to love everyone, and accept that you’ll most likely fail every day for the rest of your life.

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